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How does English connect our world?

English is the most common language in the world, with around 20% of the total population able to communicate using it. It became a lingua franca, used by international communities to speak in a unified language. It is common knowledge that the impact of English in our society is huge. It has transformed our lives on many different levels.
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English is the most common language in the world, with around 20% of the total population able to communicate using it. It became a lingua franca, used by international communities to speak in a unified language. It is common knowledge that the impact of English in our society is huge. It has transformed our lives on many different levels. 

How does English connect our world?

The best way to understand how English connects in the world is to take a look at the most impactful real life examples and use cases.

1. English is used in Global Communication and International Dialogue

When it comes to international communication, both in personal and official situations, English is most likely the language we choose to enable direct or indirect communication. Every country uses it commonly when they want to send messages to international community.

Most international organizations present their official statements in English, which granted English some prestige. In the modern world, we consider it a fundamental skill for participants in international dialogue.

In personal situations, English enables mutual understanding through communication, learning and sharing.  It allows us to form friendships beyond borders.

2. English can benefit your career

Knowledge of English is a required skill in many companies. Individuals who are able to communicate in this language have vast work opportunities. Plus, they are not only tied to national market. They can look for their dream job across many different countries.

English has had a huge impact on the job market in Vietnam. Nowadays, many businesses these days consist of international teams which work in regional economic hubs. English helps expand opportunities to recruit talent for companies to build a team of outstanding efficiency.

3. The impact of English language transforming cultures

This trend is especially strong among younger generations, due to English being most common language on the internet. However, this may not be the best side of English being lingua franca. Nonetheless, this feature is considered by some people to have negative impact in some areas. As more and more cultures are influenced by Western Society language, native and diverse cultural heritage may be damaged.

4. The importance of English in education

English has had a huge impact on international education. It is currently mandatory subject in most schools across the world and for good reason, as some of the world best universities teach lessons in this language. English can also help students in their personal lives. Learning a new language can help broaden students minds, while also help them develop emotional skills. As we already mentioned, it provides job opportunities and help people communicate through the internet.

Across the globe, many international schools offer English classes. This allows to train international professionals and future skilled experts which are not limited by their native country borders.

5. Globalization with English as the focus

English has a huge impact on globalization, as it allows all of us to speak in one common language. This is something unique that has never been possible before in history. We are able to communicate and understand each other’s point of view, which supports trade, international dialogue and cooperation. People are now roaming freely across countries, English being global language allows them to look for help at airports or tourist information points.

6. Basic English for Tourism

English has a huge impact on the tourism sector. You can even argue that this is what enabled this industry to grow so exceptionally across past 50 years.

English is a second language for most of both tourists and local communities. This enables them to benefit from tourism while minimizing unnecessary conflicts and misunderstanding. Furthermore, it helps communities offer better tourism experience for visitors. It can be considered as a type of symbiosis, which brings great benefits to both local community and tourists.

Remote locations and countries can also enter the market using the “international language”, which will allow them to attract wider audience and further boost local economy.

7. English, the dominant language in Scientific Research

Science is a broad field, and it requires international collaboration in order to deliver the best results possible. The use of English as a lingua franca enables scientists from every part of the world to access research findings, which are necessary to further propel development of global science. If any research discovers something which could lead to a breakthrough in an important field such as medicine, sharing research in English will enable global scientific community to quickly integrate it into their work.

This is the primary reason for which most research findings are presented in two versions: in the language native to the researcher and in English. This enables global scientific community to work together and propel world science development.

8. English in translation

Due to English being lingua franca, English translators are the most common from all translators. There are many rare or small languages which are not commonly translated.

However, we can even translate those languages into English, and then translate them from English to another language if needed. Therefore, this global language is like a bridge in translation, which enables us to eventually translate any languages.

9. Language of the Internet

Internet is surely what enabled our global, interconnected modern lifestyle. English had a huge impact on the internet, but the internet may have even bigger impact on English.

Possibly due to the fact that more than 50% of internet content represents this language. This could also be a major motivation for all the modern English learners to actually study this language.

10. English is the language of business

In the era of globalization many companies decided to expand to foreign markets. This is not an easy task and requires an extensive search for possible partners and knowledge of local law, etc. English allows swift communication between both parties involved.

English is crucial not only for expanding abroad but also for attracting international clients and investors into one’s economy. This allows businesses to generate huge profit and expand their network of international partners which greatly improves their future opportunities for growth. Through enabling swift and consistent flow of international investment, English has a direct, positive impact on countries’ economies and private businesses’ opportunities.

What is the impact of English language in an interconnected world?

English is what propels the global community, business, science and opportunities across societies. It allows humanity to speak in one language and understand one another better than ever before. In an interconnected world, English impacts every aspect of our lives.

It shaped the economy as we know it today, it gave the global politics new face and made borders irrelevant. From culture, through science, to education and even shopping – English is responsible for the shape of our modern reality. Its impact is permanent and is most likely to grow as humanity gets further in the process of globalization.

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