Translation Quality Assurance

Assessment of the translation’s compliance to the output criteria in all contexts in an independent manner and with integrity.

We design language solutions that are tailored for each individual clients, to optimize the knowledge link with the goal of providing clients with the highest value from AM Vietnam’s translation products.​

Language quality assessment

Randomized assessment of the translation for translation quality assessment based on the designed and agreed quality standards.

Language quality assurance

Comprehensive and independent quality assessment of the translation for assurance of absolute accuracy.

Language asset management

Management of glossary, translation memory, etc. to ensure precise application and strict adherence to the rules appropriate to the company and industry.

Why choose us?

Even diligently rendered translations may contain minor to critical errors. These errors are often caused by humans, especially translations performed by a large team of linguists at the same time. LQA helps detect and address these potential risks by independent evaluation indicators to determine whether the translation products fully satisfy the output requirements.​​

Our linguists conduct assessments of the accuracy of the terminologies, data, consistency, semantics and completeness of the translations. Translation techniques and language manipulation techniques are also carefully evaluated.

AM Việt Nam là công ty đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn dịch thuật toàn cầu và là một doanh nghiệp số hóa hoạt động toàn diện tại Việt Nam. Chúng tôi luôn tìm tòi đổi mới để cải thiện trải nghiệm dịch vụ cho khách hàng.

Standard and native grammar, among others, makes the translations professional, concise and audience friendly. We assure that translations are done in a way that best meet your use purposes. The use of language greatly influence the success of the translations.

Đội ngũ cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật pháp lý tại AM Việt Nam luôn sẵn sàng cho công việc của mình để đáp ứng các kỳ vong của khách hàng về tiến độ và chất lượng. Các hoạt động dịch vụ của chúng tôi được thực hiện thống nhất và chuyên nghiệp.

Language skills include writing style and word choice. We conduct a thorough review to ensure the appropriateness of the translations with the nature of the source texts as well as the target audience.

Confidentiality is always a requirement upon engagement of a medical translation vendor. We have a strong commitment to ensuring the safety of the information that customers provide.
We design language solutions that are tailored specifically for each individual client, to best optimize our accumulated expertise and experience to bring the highest values to clients.
Cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật tài liệu pháp lý cho công ty Luật YKVN
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Professional evaluators conduct in-depth checks in compliance with international quality assessment models. We cover the full range of assessment needs, from sampling to comprehensive check, as well as back translation and proofing requirements to ensure the precision and consistency of your global contents.

Poor translations have direct and disastrous impact on customers’ acceptance of your products and/or services, which are very likely become an embarrassment and/or potentially damage your brand.

Find out more about our Translation Quality Assurance activities


Lost my passport in Vietnam: what to do and how to prevent?

Loss of personal documents, including passports, visa and other valuable documents when travelling may happen for various reasons. As a foreigner travelling in Vietnam, you might get confused if this happens to you because of the language barrier and unawareness of legal procedures in Vietnam.

Translation Instructions and Efficient Ways to Build Them

7 steps of the basic translation process 

Each LSP has its own translation method, which can be tailored to the needs of the customer. However, in general, LSPs must assure adherence to a defined procedure. In this post, AM Vietnam will outline seven fundamental stages that all professional translation efforts must follow.


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Lost my passport in Vietnam: what to do and how to prevent?

Loss of personal documents, including passports, visa and other valuable documents when travelling may happen for various reasons. As a foreigner travelling in Vietnam, you might get confused if this happens to you because of the language barrier and unawareness of legal procedures in Vietnam.

Translation Instructions and Efficient Ways to Build Them

7 steps of the basic translation process 

Each LSP has its own translation method, which can be tailored to the needs of the customer. However, in general, LSPs must assure adherence to a defined procedure. In this post, AM Vietnam will outline seven fundamental stages that all professional translation efforts must follow.