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Notice of working schedule according to the Government’s Directive 17 and Hanoi’s Directive 2017 on Covid prevention and control

Thông báo lịch làm việc theo chỉ thị 16-Chính phủ và chỉ thị 17-Hà nội về phòng chống dịch Covid
Thông báo lịch làm việc theo chỉ thị 16-Chính phủ và chỉ thị 17-Hà nội về phòng chống dịch Covid

From 26 July 2021, the company will apply home-office working schedule, according to which:

  • The entire language and resources departments will be asked to work from home.
  • The administrative and customer support departments and company leaders will work as per the plans sent to each individual.
  • The company will issue valid travel passes to individuals who are required to work at the company’s offices.

AM Vietnam’s language department will be ensure the following when working from home:

  • The network connection must be stable and ensures smooth access to company resources.
  • Working spaces must be sufficiently isolated and ensure smooth working experience
  • Well-functioning personal computer equipment.
  • Constantly online on different platforms such as telephone, Microsoft Teams and email. Response to information requests within 5 minutes.

Staff may be asked to work at the office or stop working if they fail to not meet the above requirements.

The company’s employees are responsible for contacting the resources department to answer relevant questions.

This schedule will apply from 26 July 2021 until further notice.

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