Back translation and reconciliation

Translation is a process of transforming the language, message and culture. During the translation process, those elements can be impaired or even distorted. The back-translation and reconciliation process will help check, evaluate and mitigate discrepancies in the forward translations.

Back translation

Back translation is an important process in evaluating the accuracy of a translation. Back translations will be performed by a professional translation team, working independently from the forward translation team.

Back translations are often applied to certain types of important texts, requiring high accuracy and guaranteed responsibility by a reputable translation agency.

Below are some typical types of documents that need back-translation:

  • Economic contracts.
  • State-level cooperation documents.
  • Records related to public health (clinical trials, drug use instructions, etc.)
    Records related to pleadings, court decisions.
Back Translation Services
Merge Back Translation And Reconciliation


Reconciliation is a checking activity that evaluates the suitability of a translation compared to the original source texts. Normally reconciliation will be done by reconciliating the back translation and the original source text.

Goal of Reconciliation

  • Detect discrepancies between the translations and the source texts.
  • Assess the potential risk of errors.
  • Suggest appropriate revisions.

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