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Differences between Appendix, Annex, Exhibit, Attachment, Schedule and Addendum 

As an English translator, you have likely had or will have to translate legal documents, particularly commercial contracts with linked documents. When translating the word "Appendix", which of the following English words should be used: Appendix, Annex, Exhibit, Attachment, Schedule, Addendum? This article will assist you answer the questions above.
Giúp bạn Phân biệt Appendix, Annex, Exhibit, Attachment, Schedule và Addendum
Giúp bạn Phân biệt Appendix, Annex, Exhibit, Attachment, Schedule và Addendum

Definitions in the dictionary

Attachment refers to any document that’s attached to the primary document.

Appendix is an additional document attached at the end of the main document to provide additional information.

Annex refers to content attached to a document or report.

Schedule is a list or category of goods or services, a statement attached to a document that provides detailed information about the issues mentioned in the main document.

Exhibit is a document referenced in the contract, whose function is to establish the volume and specifications of the items to be delivered under the contract.

Addendum is a document or information attached or supplemented to clarify, correct or substantiate information in the original document.

50116 Giup Ban Phan Biet Appendix Annex Exhibit Attachment Schedule Va Addendum 1 Differences Between Appendix, Annex, Exhibit, Attachment, Schedule And Addendum 

Distinguish the difference and use it in context

If an attached document has an ‘additional’ function and is part of the contract, and is important in ensuring the validity of that contract, then that attached document needs to be called an Appendix .

If the attached document is a separate document from the contract, containing information that can be changed by each party to the contract without affecting the validity of the contract, nor requiring changes to the contract content accordingly, then the attached document should be called Annex .

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