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How to build a successful website for your business

Cách xây dựng trang web thành công cho doanh nghiệp của bạn
Cách xây dựng trang web thành công cho doanh nghiệp của bạn

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our approach in many aspects, including shopping habits. A great website is an effective way to attract potential customers. Here are some tips for creating great websites that can drive and increase your sales.

First, let’s find out what is the purpose of the website.

Determining goals helps you have the appropriate web development strategy and focus your resources. In fact, there are many types of goals when developing a website, there are websites that focus on a single goal, but there are also websites that aim for different goals at the same time.

  • Websites serving a specific purpose (e.g. selling medicines, selling clothes)
  • Website serving the purpose of selling groceries (selling many types of products at the same time)
  • Customer’s own service introduction website
  • Websites providing 3rd party reviews of products and services

In fact, a website consists of two main parts, the Introduction section (web copy) and the News section (blogs & news). The introduction will provide customers with information about the business, the products and services that the business provides or the partnership of the business. The news section can be purely business information such as promotional news, advice or reviews or it can also be in-depth articles to provide customers with a better sense of their business.

What is conversion rate?

No matter your purpose for developing a website, one thing you should always keep in mind is the “conversion rate”. It can be explained simply like this: if 10 visitors come to see your product and 6 of them decide to buy that product, the conversion rate will be 6/10. This is direct conversion rate. There is also indirect conversion rate, i.e. when those 10 visitors come to see product A but then 3 customers decide to buy a product B, the indirect conversion rate is 3/10. To put it simple, conversion rate measures how successful a website is.

How to build a successful website?

As noted above, a successful website is one with a high conversion rate. The higher, the more successful. Therefore, our goal is to find strategies to help increase conversion rates. Pay attention to the following 4 aspects.

1. Create quality and engaging content

If visitors find things they like from your website, the conversion rate will increase. People usually do not want to read boring information, they want to find something to spice up their life. If your website is full of intriguing content, you can attract visitors more easily.

First, make your landing pages attractive. Don’t just talk about your product. Instead, show people the benefits your products can bring to them quickly and clearly using headings and bullet points.

Visitors may enjoy blog posts with practical tips. These blog posts can help you grab the attention of those who are looking for the solutions your company offers. These are potential customers who come to you on their own. Target the right audience with the right content to help boost engagement.

Finally, don’t forget the call to action button. Also provide the option for your customers to contact you for more information or to share your solution with people in need.

2. Don’t forget images and multimedia content

No one wants to read a wall of text. Bullet points are very helpful but images are even more effective. The right images can show people exactly the theme and content of your website. Using multimedia content including videos, slideshows, and photos is another great way to engage the target audience.

Although using multimedia content is an effective way to grab attention and make your website appealing, some multimedia content can also slow down the loading speed of your site, such as a video, depending on how the video is embedded, as well as its quality and duration. Note to choose the right size for image files, and always use web and mobile-friendly formats.

3. Pay attention to SEO strategy

Search engine optimization (SEO) requires you to create content that contains specific search keywords. You also do not have to make it overcomplicated, but it is essential to cover the central theme on every page of your website.

For example, if you want to attract customers looking for air conditioning installation services, be sure to mention the term “air conditioning installation” multiple times on each page.

All in all, SEO requires long-term and continuous effort. While you will not be able to see immediate results, the benefits of SEO can enhance your online presence and search visibility.

4. Pay attention to design easy-to-navigate pages

You always want customers to find what they are looking for quickly. In a shopping mall, there are signage to direct customers to a store. In the store, there are staff to help people find the right product. Likewise, in an online environment, you need to do this with smart web development. Make sure each theme has its own page and organize everything in a logical way. The purpose is to help people enjoy their shopping experience.

All of the above suggestions may sound like a lot of work, but the good news is that you do not have to do all of this work yourself. Web development experts can help you create a great website. They have the experience of turning your ideas and visions into an ideal website for online customers to visit and buy products.

Good wine needs no bush, the performance of the website will be immediately shown in the analysis. Conversion rate, average order volume, revenue per order, pageviews, click-through rate, and other key performance indicators will tell you how your website is performing. Intriguing content, visually appealing content, good SEO, and smart UI/UX design are the bare minimums in web development and optimization. Starting with these strategies will lay the foundation for a successful website.

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