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Medical record translation: Opportunity for advanced medical access

Dịch thuật bệnh án: Cơ hội tiếp cận nền y học tiên tiến

Integration has been witnessed in various fields including health, with medical examination and treatment being a typical example. Recently, many Vietnamese people have relied on modern healthcare facilities in the USA, Japan or Singapore, etc. hoping for a chance to be cured. And that’s when they need their medical records to be accurately translated into the respective foreign languages. Those translated documents shall provide foreign doctors with essential information on patients’ conditions from onset time to the present as a basis for an appropriate approach that can improve their treatment results and chance of survival.

What is a medical record?

Medical record is a collection of documents related to a patient’s medical examination and treatment at hospitals and healthcare facilities. Medical records are used for diagnosis and monitoring the course of disease, and are a basis for consideration of further treatments.

Medical records are confidential and used only in certain circumstances. They need to be strictly protected to prevent patient information from leakage.

The need for accurate medical record translation for overseas examination

Medical record translation is an area in medical translation. In recent years, many combined medical services such as Medical Tourism, Remote Medical Examination and Treatment have been introduced. In these models, a medical team consisting of excellent English-speaking doctors from around the world shall cooperate with each other for the sake of patients. That means a Vietnamese medical record shall need to translated into English for valuable advices from international doctors.

Many customers come to us with requests for accurate translation of their medical records or their relatives’ medical records. The medical records we have received so far were quite diverse with all kinds of papers such as Operative Report, X-ray, Ultrasound, Endoscopy, MRI, Blood Test and Electrocardiogram Reports, Discharge Summary, Medical Record Summary, Treatment records of cancer and many other dangerous conditions, etc.

Difficulties in translating medical records

  • The medical records are often in hard copies, resulting in longer translation time due to an additional step of converting hard copies to soft copies
  • Doctor’s handwriting is very difficult to read
  • Short amount of time for translation
  • Containing lots of abbreviations and specialized terms

Medical record translation process at AM Vietnam

Given the above difficulties, to ensure the accuracy of our medical record translations, our translation tasks are always performed by qualified translators, with the assistance of doctors of various specialties, complying with a rigorous and professional translation process. At AM Vietnam, we apply a 6-step translation process for medical record translation, including:

  • Converting hard copies to soft copies
  • Translation
  • Language editing
  • Correction of terminology by an appropriate specialist
  • Expertise editing
  • Proofreading

In addition to the above professional process, AM Vietnam also strictly complies with the regulations on confidentiality of personal information, so our customers may rest assured that their medical information will not be illegally disclosed in any form.


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