What do we need to do to convert visitors into purchasers after creating a market-appropriate product and a solid marketing strategy? When we reach the stage of stable revenue, we must pay more attention to the language of communication in order to promote sales. This includes setting appropriate rates and publishing appealing promotional images.
Unlike physical stores or sales programs, we cannot utilize vocal explanations of product advantages and instructions, but can only communicate through product descriptions. However, if you know how to use it correctly, it can make clients linger for hours in front of your goods.
Why should we focus on product descriptions?
Many buyers are attracted by images and prices, but if the description is not to their liking, they will quickly lose interest. Product descriptions greatly influence customer perceptions, and often these perceptions are difficult to change.
First impressions can have an even bigger impact in eCommerce where just one click is enough to lose you a customer.
Here are the basic characteristics that constitute a good product description:
- Attractive title: Don’t just list the product’s ingredients in general. Describe carefully, using expressive words that evoke the reader’s desire to buy.
- Easy-to-see images: This is essentially a product demonstration to potential customers, so you need to make sure to have clear and beautiful images.
- Ingredient details: To help customers make purchasing decisions, you need to provide detailed product characteristics. If shoppers are targeting a certain characteristic, they can immediately see whether your product meets their requirements or not.
- Attractive presentation: Most readers will skim a page (usually within 5–10 seconds). With such a short time, the way the text is presented becomes extremely important. You can use an ingredient comparison table or infographic (information graphic) to help target customers get the information they need in the shortest time.
You will need to attract customers through your description to entice them to buy the product through a “strategic marketing plan”.
Tips for writing product descriptions
Writing an effective product description is a vital component of any strategic marketing plan. Product descriptions should be included in your business marketing campaign as a step in achieving your objectives and implementing your overall marketing strategy.
Here are five tips to make your product descriptions stand out and help achieve your marketing goals.

- Understand the target audience
Identifying your audience is an essential part of your marketing strategy before you start writing product descriptions. Keep these questions in mind:
- Where do buyers or businesses find your store?
- What are their interests?
- What was it about the store that attracted them?
- How would a customer or business describe the product to a friend?
- What product features interest buyers or businesses the most?
A very good strategic marketing example is The Salty Lady. This brand understands its customers very well, this is shown right in the product description.
Their strategic marketing strategy targets people who want to sleep better and who want to lead a healthy lifestyle. Their target customers want to reduce headaches and anxiety caused by everyday electronic products.
The Salty Lady has done the research, developed the marketing strategy and provided key features that match the buyer’s personality. This means you must put product benefits first.
- Focus on product benefits
Many business owners believe that their items have the best features on the market. While product attributes are important in the description, customers also want to know what the product can achieve for them.
Your product may have the most recent features or be of higher quality than competitors, but most customers are unconcerned about such issues. Customers consider what the product does for them. As a result, you must describe the product’s usefulness rather than its actual functionality.
David Ogilvy – “The Father of Advertising” once said “Consumers don’t buy products, they buy product benefits.”
A purchase must have a purpose, whether for convenience, style, or as a useful item. Individual traits are less important than the total value they may offer the buyer. customers purchase products for the benefits they give; hence, to successfully attract customers, you should develop content that strikes a balance between describing features and explaining their implications.
For example, glycolic acid is an exfoliant. You should discuss the substance’s efficacy in removing contaminants, oil, and makeup residue. These are the exact words your target clients want to hear.
- Help customers absorb information as quickly as possible
A study of online reader behavior found that only 16% of individuals thoroughly read product introductory text, while 79% scan the entire page. You should spend time and money creating content for the 79% of people that seek and gather information in the lowest amount of time.
Your product description needs:
- Use short sentences: Since this is not an essay, the description should be succinct and easy to read.
- Use bullet points: Select the benefits you wish to highlight and arrange them in order of significance. This ensures that readers notice the major benefits first, before moving on to additional content.
- There is white space: Many readers dislike articles with much text. Consider the layout and utilization of white space.
Invest in short product videos: According to studies, 7 out of 10 people have a more positive perception of a business after seeing a video. They cut the quantity of text required while providing a wealth of information in a matter of minutes.
- Increase credibility through social platforms
People are more likely to purchase a product if it is recommended by friends, family, or through social media. This is straightforward when buying in person, but more challenging online.
The International Journal of Information Management once stated that online product introduction (OPR) enhances the client buying experience.
Furthermore, this strategy promotes long-term consumer ties. When customers are unsure what to buy, they are more inclined to select a product depending on the amount of good evaluations.
A recent survey discovered that the typical individual reads ten evaluations – whether on-site or via social media – before considering purchasing from an online business, and that 73% of readers only pay heed to reviews made within the previous month.
You should develop a product marketing strategy that allows customers to leave evaluations, influencing prospective customers. Encourage buyers to leave reviews and star ratings. The more reviews you have, the greater your trust. Encourage buyers to include images in their evaluations to ensure that they are verified and trustworthy. The amount of stars displayed on your page is a good indication of client satisfaction with your goods.
Hopefully, these marketing strategies will help you improve the quality of your content and boost the conversion rate on your sales page. When you begin writing, don’t just write a basic product description. Instead, put the consumer first and appear as though you want to share your product knowledge with them. Don’t be overly rigid, squeezing in a lot of tedious theoretical stuff. Instead, attempt to be creative and persuade them of the merits of your product description, hence increasing sales.