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Vietnam Travel: Picture-perfect Spots


Hanoi beauty, will be deseparately remembered if taken in with only naked eyes. Take a camera or a phone, to memorize each angle, corner of the city for everlasting admiration. Spots for taking photos, are abundent, not to say every corner of Hanoi are photogenic. Let us take you to places like that.

West Lake sidewalk

West Lake is like a minicure Hanoi. From everyday life, street food, trading, to artistic activities, photography, cinemagraphy or recreation, all in one. Hoan Kiem is normally thought to Hanoi’s top-tier sightseeing destination, still, I think it is the West Lake, the largest and most beautiful fresh water lake in Hanoi. You can rent a bicycle or motor bike or walk with a map to look for any spots for taking photos, if you have the patience it takes to go full circle of the lake.


One of the most photogenic places in the West Lake may be along its sidewalk. There is no feeling better than letting the gentle breezes embrace you, while you arraging your best camera angle. Try taking photos of/from Tu Hoa lane located in Lane 5, Tu Hoa street, Tay Ho District or the statues of Two Dragons in Lac Long Quan Park. The West Lake is photogenic from time to time, but sunrise and sunset are the moments depicting the most out of it, you just have to take out your camera and grasp it.

Hanoi Opera House

Address: No. 1A, Trang Tien Street, Trang Tien Ward, Hoan Kiem District


Hanoi Opera House, one of the architectual landmarks in Hanoi, famous for its history and the eclectic and neoclassical architecture since the colonial period. If you are falling deeply with Hanoi architecture, it is necessary to take one or twice shots of Hanoi Opera House. TheHilton Hanoi Opera Hotel and Vietnam National Museum of History nearby can also be served as subject of photos for you.

Hanoi Museum

  • Address: Pham Hung Street, Me Tri, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi
  • Opening hours: 8h00 – 17h00 (Tue – Sun)
  • Free admission


Hanoi Museum has a modern breath, in contrast to the Opera House. Located in a complex of unique architecture in Hanoi, the museum was opened on October 6, 2010, 4 days before the Millenial anniversary of Hanoi. Hanoi Museum’s architecture will appeal to photographer and architecture lovers as well as visitors who want to learn about Hanoi’s history and modern architecture.

The Complex

  • Address: Lane 167, Tay Son Street, Hanoi
  • Opening hours: 8h00 – 22h00
  • Admission: 5.000 VND


The Complex, a multifunctional complex (studying, working, event hall, shopping and recreation), newly established and succeeded the hype of Hanoi Creative City The Yard, X98, etc. Complex is the first theme complex in Hanoi with the area of near 4000m2. Seeing a generation of creativity and enthusiasm, work hard and play hard, you can’t help but take a few shots of such energy. The Complex is a new sytem, be the first to enjoy this place.

If you take photography seriously and wish for a place to share your expertise at camera store and repair, which is shared below.

Watanabe Camera

  • Address: No. 38 Cao Ba Quat, Ba Dinh, Hanoi
  • Opening hours: 9h30 – 19h00


Watanabe Camera is a famous camera store selling used and new DSLR and accessories. This store also offers photo printing, developing and film selling. If your love for photography is great, take time to visit this store.


  • Address: Room 102A2, Lane 72, Nguyen Chi Thanh, Dong Da, Hanoi
  • Opening hours: 9h00 – 20h00


Taking photos of Hanoi by film cameras such as Contax, Pentax or Leica, you need a place to develop those photos. We suggest CropLab to fit your need. Film development depends on its brands, from VND 40.000 to VND 85.000 for 35mm/24 or 35mm/26, and on types of films, i.e. color films and cinema film. Delivery time is also varying depending on such elements. CropLab, too, sells film cameras of famous brand such as Fujifilm or Kodak.

Taking photos of Hanoi needs a guide since you could possibly get lost in the beauty and maze-like roads of Hanoi. Contact us, if you have such need, we will help you secure a safe and unforgetfull stay in Hanoi.

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