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Hospitality: Defining Sales – Marketing and Accounting – Finance Departments in a hotel

Tìm hiểu Bộ phận kinh doanh - Marketing và Kế toán – Tài chính trong khách sạn

Sales and Marketing Department

1. Marketer

Vietnamese name: Nhân viên Marketing

36187 Tim Hieu Bo Phan Kinh Doanh Marketing Va Ke Toan Tai Chinh Trong Khach San 1 1 Hospitality: Defining Sales – Marketing And Accounting – Finance Departments In A Hotel

Role: Marketers are responsible for developing advertising and promotion programs for the hotel. Their goal is to attract potential customers for the hotel.

2. Sales Executive

Vietnamese name: Nhân viên kinh doanh

36187 Tim Hieu Bo Phan Kinh Doanh Marketing Va Ke Toan Tai Chinh Trong Khach San 2 1 Hospitality: Defining Sales – Marketing And Accounting – Finance Departments In A Hotel
Sales Executive

Role: Sales Executives are responsible for finding customers to sell hotel products and services. In the hospitality industry, Sales Executives are divided into several categories depending on the customers they deal with or the products they sell:

  • Corporate Sales Executive: Sales Executives whose target customers are businesses and companies.
  • Travel agent (TA) Sales Executive: Sales Executives working mainly for customers who are travel companies and travel agencies.
  • Online Sales Executive: Sales Executives specialized in approaching customers and providing hotel products and services online, through social networks and hotel websites.
  • Banquet Sales Executive: Sales Executives specialized in activities such as seminars, conferences, events, etc.
  • Membership Sales Executive: Sales Executives specialized in provision of services and facilities such as: spa, gym, casino, restaurant, etc.

Finance and accounting department

3. General Accountant

Vietnamese name: Nhân viên kế toán tổng hợp

36187 Tim Hieu Bo Phan Kinh Doanh Marketing Va Ke Toan Tai Chinh Trong Khach San 3 1 Hospitality: Defining Sales – Marketing And Accounting – Finance Departments In A Hotel
General Accountant

Role: The general accountant is responsible for assisting the chief accountant in overseeing accounting and financial matters in the hotel.

4. Debt Accountant

Vietnamese name: Nhân viên kế toán công nợ

36187 Tim Hieu Bo Phan Kinh Doanh Marketing Va Ke Toan Tai Chinh Trong Khach San 4 1 Hospitality: Defining Sales – Marketing And Accounting – Finance Departments In A Hotel
Debt accountant

Role: Debt accountants are responsible for monitoring and managing the hotel’s debts and directly participating in the collection of due, overdue and old debts.

5. Night Auditor

Vietnamese name: Nhân viên kiểm toán đêm

36187 Tim Hieu Bo Phan Kinh Doanh Marketing Va Ke Toan Tai Chinh Trong Khach San 5 1 Hospitality: Defining Sales – Marketing And Accounting – Finance Departments In A Hotel
Night Auditor

Role: Night Auditors are responsible for checking all day transactions, room revenue, booking rate and other statistical reports of the hotel.

6. Cashkeeper

Vietnamese name: Nhân viên thủ quỹ

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Role: Cashkeeper is responsible for assisting the chief accountant in managing issues related to cash receipts and payments in the hotel.

7. Purchaser

Vietnamese name: Nhân viên mua sắm

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Role: Purchasers are responsible for evaluating suppliers, negotiating contracts, preparing reports and procurement documents necessary for the normal business operations of the hotel.

Above is a list of Sales and Marketing positions and their respective Vietnamese translations. You can learn more about other positions and Vietnamese names in other articles in our series Vietnamese Names and Roles in Hotels.

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