If your website has not been translated into the language of potential customers, these visitors will visit your website less, or just take a glance. In the worst-case scenario, most likely they cannot even find these websites. This is because Internet search engines only find pages with text fragments in the language that potential customers use when searching. Therefore, NOT translating the website into a language means that the business potentially misses a number of customers.

Product catalogs, sales brochures
Once the potential customer have accessed the website, the next step of this guest is taking a look at the services and products in the product catalogs and brochures. The customer does not only approach the company by reading the information posted on the website will bring positive results. The translation of product catalogs will help the customer group have easy access to the products.
Advertisement in the media
Advertisement in the media (television, radio and posters) in the customer’s language will show the company’s adaptability to the market and its commitment to the culture it targets at. Cultural adaptability will not be perfect without language adaptation, in other words, translation.
Mailings, letter and direct marketing
Mailings, letter or email are direct communication, although this type of communication is not popular, but sometimes it is the only way to convey a personal message and group message. Therefore, experts recommend that at least, send those messages in the language regularly used by the customer. This will increase the level of customer reception, increase efficiency and will most likely help you recoup the small spending on translation.

Manuals, guides, and support materials
More than the first orders, the long-term success of a product will depend on the customer’s level of understanding of the functions. In order for the consumer to be loyal and use of the product frequently, they need to be satisfied with the first purchase, and to achieve this, no help is enough. Manuals in the customer’s language will be the most minimal and most profitable investment for the beginning of this relationship.
Customer Care
Direct care, by phone or via text is the last step in the process of communication. It is the time when customers communicate directly with the company. In order to demonstrate consistency with efforts made in previous stages, experts recommend that you need to address customer requirements in their language (request for help, information, quotes, etc.) which can be a stepping stone to a long-term trading relationship.